General Information

Full Name Yici ZHONG
Languages Chinese, English


  • 2021 - 202?
    Ph.D., Physics
    The University of Tokyo, JP
    • Thesis Topic - Kinetic Simulations of Pulsar Magnetosphere in Interacting Binary Systems
  • 2019 - 2021
    M.Sc, Physics
    The University of Tokyo, JP
    • Thesis Topic - Study on the effect of supernova fallback on the neutron star diversity
  • 2015 - 2019
    Bachelor of Engineering
    Central South University, CN


  • 2019
    Undergraduate Researcher
    Monash University, AU
  • 2018
    Summer Student
    University of California, Berkeley, US
  • 2017
    Undergraduate Researcher
    The Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN
  • 2016
    Summer Student
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US